NGO – Non-Government Organization


Work with USAID

(Performed by KCM Personnel under another company contract)

KCM personnel provided consultant support to the United States State Department’s Millennium Challenge Corporation as project controls subject matter experts (SME) on their Water, Sanitation and Roads development compact with the Republic of Mozambique valued at nearly $507 million (US). KCM was engaged to assist in country staff in preparing the necessary controls vehicles to satisfy State Department requirements, consisting of project schedules and a program wide enterprise based schedule allowing team members transparent visibility to progress status at all levels of the compact. In addition, as with most projects, time being of the essence, it became necessary to prioritize the program requirements to clarify which projects would be infeasible to pursue under the compact due to time limitations. KCM personnel coordinated with the agencies in competition for compact funds to develop a comprehensive prioritization of projects to present to government officials for acceptance.
